When you pay by check, your name, bank account information and other personal information are printed right there on the check. Money orders give the recipient a sense of security when taking payment, especially with strangers and people they haven’t done business with before. When you purchase a money order, the recipient doesn’t have to worry if the payment will bounce due to insufficient funds. Even if your money order was stolen, it would be very difficult if not impossible for someone to access the funds associated with the money order. Money orders are a safe way of making payments.

Money orders are labeled with the name of the payee/recipient. Here are some reasons that you’ll want to consider when looking for a money order near me. Money orders can have benefits for the purchaser, as well as the recipient (also known as the payee). There are many great reasons to get a money order. Money orders are paid for in cash, debit, or prepaid card unlike a personal check which uses only money in a checking account. The person who purchases the money order has not only already paid the funds and the fee to the money order issuer to print the money order, but has also designated a payee. Money orders are prepaid, meaning the funds have already been allocated and are available for immediate use. That being said, there are some big differences!Ī money order is similar to a check in that it’s essentially a document used for making payments (although there are some key differences). A money order looks very much like a check and can be used just like a check it’s practically the same thing. Technically speaking, a money order is a printed order of payment for a specific sum, issued by a financial institution or the post office. 5 Final Thoughts About Buying a Money Order What exactly is a Money Order?